The changing trends and the impact of biology resulted in the emergence of new branches of knowledge. These branches include biotechnology, genetic engineering, biomedical engineering, biophysics, biochemistry, molecular biology, enzymology, space biology, cell biology, biometrics, and value-based such as sociobiology, biopsychology, and environmental biology.
Biotechnology is the. manipulation of the molecular basis of inheritance by methods called recombinant DNA technology which contributes to food production, medicine, waste management, and in mining industry. In food production, diverse strains of plants or animals were hybridized (crossed) to produce greater genetic variety such as disease resistance, high yielding, drought resistance, etc. In waste management, biodegradable plastics were made from the lactic acid produced during the bacterial fermentation of corn stalks. In the field of medicine, the human gene that codes for the blood-clotting protein is transferred to hamster cells grown in tissue culture which then produce factor VIII for use by hemophilics.
Biomedical engineering is an interdisciplinary field that uses engineering, physics, and chemistry to develop instruments, machines, and methods for studying and treating living organisms.
Biophysics is a branch of physics which makes use of the tools and concepts of physics to define and approach biological problems. The development of biophysical tools such as x-ray diffraction contributed to knowledge of the structure of proteins and DNA. Advances in electronics provides a better understanding of how nerve cells function.
Biochemistry is the study of the substances found in living organisms and the chemical reactions underlying life processes. It studies the structures and behavior of the biomolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids which make up the various parts of the living cell and carry out the chemical reactions that enable it to grow, maintain, reproduce itself, and use and store energy.
This deals with the culture and manipulation of cells which gives rise biotechnology, molecular biology, and enzymology.
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